Independence Day (Grenada)

Independence Day is a public holiday in Grenada, and it is observed on February 7 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Grenada achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1974.

Grenada is an island country in the Caribbean Sea, located at the southern end of the Grenadines island chain. People inhabited the islands for thousands of years. Christopher Columbus first arrived in 1498 during his third voyage and claimed the islands for Spain. However, the Spanish did not settle on the islands.

The French started to settle on the islands in 1649 and made it a French colony. In 1763, France ceded the islands to Britain after the Seven Years\’ War. Although the French captured the islands 6 years after, during the American Revolutionary War, the British restored them in 1783.

In 1958, Grenada became part of the Federation of the West Indies and gained full autonomy after the collapse of the federation in 1962. On February 7, 1974, Grenada gained independence from the United Kingdom.

The following is the list of Independence Day in Grenada from 2022 to 2026.

Independence DayFeb 07, 2022Monday
Independence DayFeb 07, 2023Tuesday
Independence DayFeb 07, 2024Wednesday
Independence DayFeb 07, 2025Friday
Independence DayFeb 07, 2026Saturday


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下一篇 2022年9月29日
