Emancipation Day (Anguilla)

Emancipation Day is a public holiday celebrated in Anguilla, and it is observed on the first Monday in August each year.

The holiday commemorates the anniversary when the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 came into force, as well as the abolishment of slavery in Anguilla on August 1, 1834.

Anguilla is a British overseas territory in the Caribbean. The territory consists of the main island of Anguilla, and several surrounding small islands and cays. It is believed that Columbus sighted the island during his second voyage in 1493.

In 1650, English settlers from Saint Kitts started to settle on the islands and Anguilla became a British colony. It was administrated together with other islands during the early colonial period. In 1962, Anguilla gained full internal autonomy together with Saint Kitts and Nevis.

In 1967, Anguilla declared the separation from Saint Kitts and Nevis following a referendum. However, only in 1980, Anguilla was allowed to formally secede from Saint Kitts and Nevis and become a separate British Crown colony.

The early European settlers brought slaves to the islands and they were forced to work on the tobacco and sugar plantations. Over time, the number of slaves became the main labor force and outnumbered the white settlers. In 1834, the British Empire terminated slavery.

The following is the list of Emancipation Day in Anguilla from 2022 to 2026.

Emancipation DayAug 01, 2022Monday
Emancipation DayAug 07, 2023Monday
Emancipation DayAug 05, 2024Monday
Emancipation DayAug 04, 2025Monday
Emancipation DayAug 03, 2026Monday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日


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