Independence Day (Uruguay)

Independence Day is a public holiday in Uruguay, and it is observed on August 25. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Uruguay gained its independence from the Brazilian Empire in 1825.

Uruguay is a country in South America. People inhabited the region for thousands of years. The Portuguese first entered the territory in 1512. However, because of the indigenous peoples\’ fierce resistance and the absence of gold and silver, the permanent settlements were established in the 17th century.

The Portuguese colonists established the first settlement in 1680. To limit Portugal\’s expansion of Brazil\’s frontiers, Spain also established the settlement and captured Portugal\’s settlement in Uruguay. In 1750, the Spain secured the control of Uruguay in the Treaty of Madrid until it was defeated in 1810.

In 1816, forces from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves invaded Uruguay and made Uruguay Brazil\’s Cisplatina province in 1820. Brazil gained its independence and established the Empire of Brazil in 1822. As a result, the Cisplatine Province remained part of it. On August 25, 1825, Uruguay declared independence from the Empire of Brazil.

The following is the list of Independence Day in Uruguay from 2022 to 2026.

Independence DayAug 25, 2022Thursday
Independence DayAug 25, 2023Friday
Independence DayAug 25, 2024Sunday
Independence DayAug 25, 2025Monday
Independence DayAug 25, 2026Tuesday


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