Battle of Las Piedras Day (Uruguay)

Battle of Las Piedras Day is a public holiday in Uruguay, and it is observed on May 18. The holiday commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Las Piedras, which was fought between the revolutionary led by Jose Gervasio Artigas and the Spanish in 1811.

After the May revolution in 1810, the Spanish abandoned Buenos Aires and moved the headquarters to Montevideo. In April 1811, Jose Artigas led the revolutionaries\’ army camped near Montevideo, while the Spanish army camped at Las Piedras near Montevideo. The Spanish forces provoked a decisive battle against the revolutionaries on May 18.

The battle at Las Piedras resulted in the victory for the revolutionaries. After the battle, the revolutionaries liberated almost all the Uruguay territory except the Colonia del Sacramento and Montevideo.

The following is the list of Battle of Las Piedras Day in Uruguay from 2022 to 2026.

Battle of Las Piedras DayMay 16, 2022Monday
Battle of Las Piedras DayMay 18, 2023Thursday
Battle of Las Piedras DayMay 18, 2024Saturday
Battle of Las Piedras DayMay 18, 2025Sunday
Battle of Las Piedras DayMay 18, 2026Monday


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