Derg Downfall Day

Derg Downfall Day is a public holiday in Ethiopia, and it is observed on May 28 each year. The holiday commemorates the end of the Provisional Military Government of Ethiopia that ruled the country from 1974 to 1991.

Following the widespread mutinies in the armed forces in early 1974, the Derg was founded as the Coordinating Committee, and steadily accrued more power in the following months. In September, the Derg abolished the monarchy and took control of the government. It was also renamed the Provisional Military Administrative Council.

In the following years, the Provisional Military Administrative Council became notorious for its cruelty, and it is believed that tens of thousands of protesters and political opponents were murdered during its reign.

The Ethiopian People\’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a rebel group battling the Derg during the Ethiopian Civil War, brought the end of the Provisional Military Administrative Council in 1991.

The following is the list of Derg Downfall Day in Ethiopia from 2022 to 2026.

Derg Downfall DayMay 28, 2022Saturday
Derg Downfall DayMay 28, 2023Sunday
Derg Downfall DayMay 28, 2024Tuesday
Derg Downfall DayMay 28, 2025Wednesday
Derg Downfall DayMay 28, 2026Thursday


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