Discovery Day (Puerto Rico)

Discovery Day is a public holiday in Puerto Rico, and it is observed on November 19 each year. The holiday commemorates the date when Christopher Columbus arrived on the island on November 19, 1493. The island was inhabited by the Taino Indians when Columbus arrived, and Columbus named the island San Juan Bautista, in honor of St. John the Baptist.

In 1508, Juan Ponce de León, one Spanish explorer under Columbus, founded the first Spanish settlement, and later served as the first governor of Puerto Rico. In the early 16th century, the Spanish people began to colonize the island. Some of the Taino Indians were forced to work, and the Indian population suffered high fatalities because of the infectious diseases.

The following is the list of Discovery Day in Puerto Rico from 2022 to 2026.

Discovery DayNov 19, 2022Saturday
Discovery DayNov 19, 2023Sunday
Discovery DayNov 19, 2024Tuesday
Discovery DayNov 19, 2025Wednesday
Discovery DayNov 19, 2026Thursday


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