The 15 Khordad Uprising

The 15 Khordad Uprising is a public holiday in Iran, and it falls on the 15th day of the Khordad month, which is the 3rd month of the Iranian Hijri calendar. In the Gregorian calendar, it is usually June 5 each year.

The 15 Khordad Uprising commemorates the anniversary of the public uprising against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on June 5, 1963, after he made statements against the Iranian Shah.

Thousands of Khomeini\’s supporters went on the street against the Shah of Iran following Khomeini\’s arrest. The Shah regime attacked the people and brutally suppressed them, and hundreds of people were killed or wounded in the uprising.

In 1979, Khomeini led the Iranian Revolution which overthrew the Shah\’s rule and established the Islamic republic.

The following is the list of the 15 Khordad Uprising from 2022 to 2026.

The 15 Khordad UprisingJun 05, 2022Sunday
The 15 Khordad UprisingJun 05, 2023Monday
The 15 Khordad UprisingJun 05, 2024Wednesday
The 15 Khordad UprisingJun 05, 2025Thursday
The 15 Khordad UprisingJun 05, 2026Friday


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