Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji is a regional holiday in the state of Punjab, India, and it is observed in May or June according to the Nanakshahi calendar each year.

Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji is to commemorate the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, who was the fifth Guru of Sikhism. He was born on April 15, 1563, and was sentenced to death in 1606 by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.

The following is the list of Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji from 2022 to 2026.

Martyrdom Day of
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Jun 03, 2022Friday
Martyrdom Day of
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
May 23, 2023Tuesday
Martyrdom Day of
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Jun 10, 2024Monday
Martyrdom Day of
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
May 30, 2025Friday
Martyrdom Day of
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Jun 18, 2026Thursday


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