Tuvalu Day

Tuvalu Day is a public holiday in Tuvalu, and it is observed on October 1 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Tuvalu gained its independence on this day in 1978.

Tuvalu, previously known as the Ellice Islands, is an island country located in the Pacific Ocean. People began to inhabit the islands about 3000 years ago, a long time before the arrival of Europeans.

Spanish navigator Álvaro de Mendaña became the first European sighting the archipelago in 1568. Tuvalu became a British protectorate in 1892, and then part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony from 1916 to 1975.

In 1974, a referendum was held to determine whether the Gilbert Islands and the Ellice Islands should have their own administration. Following the referendum results, separate administrations were created for the Gilbert Islands and the Ellice Islands in 1976.

On October 1, 1978, Tuvalu gained its independence as a sovereign state within the Commonwealth realm, and Toaripi Lauti became the first Prime Minister.

The following is the list of Tuvalu Day from 2022 to 2026.

HolidayDate OneDate Two
Tuvalu DayOct 01, 2022Oct 02, 2022
Tuvalu DayOct 01, 2023Oct 02, 2023
Tuvalu DayOct 01, 2024Oct 02, 2024
Tuvalu DayOct 01, 2025Oct 02, 2025
Tuvalu DayOct 01, 2026Oct 02, 2026


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日


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