Queen\’s Birthday (Gibraltar)

Queen\’s Birthday is a public holiday in Gibraltar, and it is observed on the third Monday in June each year. The holiday is to celebrate the birthday of the monarch, however, the date is the Queen\’s official birthday, which may not be the monarch\’s actual birthday.

Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. During the War of the Spanish Succession in 1704, Anglo-Dutch forces captured Gibraltar from Spain, and the territory was ceded to the United Kingdom in 1713. Over the years, Spain tried to claim back the territory but Gibraltarians decided to stay with the current status.

Queen\’s Birthday celebration first started in 1788 marking the birthday of the King of Great Britain, and it was observed on the actual birthday in the beginning and changed to the second Monday in June in 1936 after King George V died. However, the celebration day is different in many Commonwealth countries.

The following is the list of Queen\’s Birthday in Gibraltar from 2022 to 2026.

Queen\’s BirthdayJun 20, 2022Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 19, 2023Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 17, 2024Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 16, 2025Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 15, 2026Monday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
