Sovereign\’s Birthday (British Virgin Islands)

Sovereign\’s Birthday is a public holiday in the British Virgin Islands, and it is usually observed on the second Friday in June each year.

Sovereign\’s Birthday is to celebrate the birthday of the monarch, however, the date is the Queen\’s official birthday, which may not be the monarch\’s actual birthday.

The British Virgin Islands are a self-governing British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean Sea, which consist of 4 main islands Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, and many small islands and cays. The islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493 during his second voyage.

The British captured the islands in the 1670-80s and introduced sugar cane. The sugar cane plantations became the main economic supports of the islands until the middle of the 19th century. In 1960, the islands gained their separate colony status and became autonomous in 1967. Since then, the islands also switched their economy to tourism and financial services.

Sovereign\’s Birthday celebration first started in 1788 marking the birthday of the King of Great Britain, and it was observed on the actual birthday in the beginning. The celebration changed to the 2nd Saturday in June 1936 after King George V died. However, the Sovereign\’s Birthday celebration is observed on the second Friday in June in the British Virgin Islands.

The following is the list of Sovereign\’s Birthday in the British Virgin Islands from 2022 to 2026.

Sovereign\’s BirthdayJun 10, 2022Friday
Sovereign\’s BirthdayJun 09, 2023Friday
Sovereign\’s BirthdayJun 14, 2024Friday
Sovereign\’s BirthdayJun 13, 2025Friday
Sovereign\’s BirthdayJun 12, 2026Friday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
