Manu\’a Cession Day (American Samoa)

Manu\’a Cession Day is a public holiday in American Samoa, and it is observed on July 16. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Tui Manuʻa Elisala and the United State signed the Treaty of Cession of Manu\’a on July 16, 1904 to cede the Manuʻa Islands to the United States.

The Manuʻa Islands consist of three main islands, and the sovereign of Manuʻa was traditionally called Tui Manuʻa. Tui Manuʻa Elisala was the last titleholder.

Europeans first arrived on the Samoan Islands in the early 18th century, which were divided by three countries: Great Britain, Germany and the United States during the Tripartite Convention in 1899. As a result, the United States took control over eastern islands, which include Tutuila and the Manuʻa Group.

Tutuila\’s leaders agreed to this arrangement in 1901, and Manu\’a was eventually forced to accept the US rule, which was formalized by the Treaty of Cession of Manu\’a, also known as the Deed of Cession of Manuʻa, on July 16, 1904.

The following is the list of Manu\’a Cession Day in American Samoa from 2022 to 2026.

Manu\’a Cession DayJul 15, 2022Friday
Jul 16, 2022Saturday
Manu\’a Cession DayJul 16, 2023Sunday
Jul 17, 2023Monday
Manu\’a Cession DayJul 16, 2024Tuesday
Manu\’a Cession DayJul 16, 2025Wednesday
Manu\’a Cession DayJul 16, 2026Thursday


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