Independence Day (Republic of the Congo)

Independence Day is a public holiday in the Republic of the Congo, and it is observed on August 15 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when the Republic of the Congo gained independence from France on this day in 1960.

The Republic of the Congo is a country located on the western coast of Central Africa. Indigenous people had inhabited the territory for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans in 1484. In the following centuries, European merchants and Indigenous people developed commercial relationships for various commodities.

The territory became a French protectorate in 1880 and then a colony in 1886. In 1903, the colony was renamed as Middle Congo, and it became part of French Equatorial Africa (AEF) in 1908, together with Gabon, Chad, and the Central African Republic.

Middle Congo became an autonomous colony within the French Community following the dissolution of French Equatorial Africa (AEF) in 1958. On August 15, 1960, the Republic of the Congo became fully independent from France and Fulbert Youlou became the first president.

The following is the list of Independence Day in the Republic of the Congo from 2022 to 2026.

Independence DayAug 15, 2022Monday
Independence DayAug 15, 2023Tuesday
Independence DayAug 15, 2024Thursday
Independence DayAug 15, 2025Friday
Independence DayAug 15, 2026Saturday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
