Decoration Day (Liberia)

Decoration Day is a public holiday in Liberia, and it is observed on the second Wednesday in March each year. The holiday commemorates the deceased families and relatives. People on this day will clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones. It is also a good time to meet with families and relatives.

The holiday has the same origin as Memorial Day in the United States. However, Memorial Day honors and mourns those who have died in the United States military service, while Decoration Day is not tied to the military services in Liberia.

In the early 19th century, there was a movement in the United States to settle free people of color in Africa because of racial discrimination. As a result, the American Colonization Society (ACS), formed in 1816, began sending free people of color to Liberia to establish a colony in 1822. By 1867, over 13,000 people emigrated from the United States and the Caribbean to Liberia. When American settlers arrived in Liberia, they also brought the traditions and customs.

Decoration Day has been a national holiday since 1916 in Liberia. On Decoration Day, people will go to the cemetery, clean the graves of their families or relatives and remove the overgrown plants.

The following is the list of Decoration Day in Liberia from 2022 to 2026.

Decoration DayMar 09, 2022Wednesday
Decoration DayMar 08, 2023Wednesday
Decoration DayMar 13, 2024Wednesday
Decoration DayMar 12, 2025Wednesday
Decoration DayMar 11, 2026Wednesday


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