Queen\’s Birthday (Papua New Guinea)

Queen\’s Birthday is a public holiday in Papua New Guinea, and it is observed on the second Monday of June each year.

Papua New Guinea is a country in Oceania that comprises the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its offshore islands in Melanesia. Beginning in 1884, the northern half of the country was a German colony, while the southern half of the country was a British colony.

During World War I, Australian forces captured German New Guinea in 1914. Northern Territory and southern territory were combined together and named the Territory of Papua and New Guinea after World War II and was under the control of Australia.

On September 16, 1975, the country claimed its independence and became a Commonwealth realm with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.

Queen\’s Birthday is to celebrate the birthday of the monarch, however, the date may not be the monarch\’s actual birthday. Queen\’s Birthday celebration first started in 1788 marking the birthday of the King of Great Britain. It was observed on the actual birthday in the beginning and changed to the 2nd Monday in June in 1936 after King George V died.

The following is the list of Queen\’s Birthday in Papua New Guinea from 2022 to 2026.

Queen\’s BirthdayJun 13, 2022Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 12, 2023Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 10, 2024Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 09, 2025Monday
Queen\’s BirthdayJun 08, 2026Monday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
