Boat Racing Festival (Laos)

Boat Racing Festival is a public holiday in Vientiane, Laos, and it is observed at the end of Boun Ok Phansa and the date varies from year to year.

Boun Ok Phansa marks the end of the rainy season, and the waters in the river at this time are high and good for boat racing. Boat Racing Festival has existed in Laos for thousands of years.

The races are mostly held on weekends in different cities. The most significant boat racing festival is held in Vientiane on the Mekong River, and the races are normally sponsored by big companies. The Boat racing festival is now an important social and sporting event, and many people will go to the river bank and cheer their favorite racing team.

The following is the list of Boat Racing Festival in Laos from 2022 to 2026.

Boat Racing FestivalOct 11, 2022Tuesday
Boat Racing FestivalOct 09, 2023Monday
Boat Racing FestivalOct 28, 2024Monday
Boat Racing FestivalOct 08, 2025Wednesday
Boat Racing FestivalOct 06, 2026Tuesday


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