Independence Day (Moldova)

Independence Day is a public holiday in Moldova, and it is observed on August 27 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Moldova gained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Moldova was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire in 1812 and named Bessarabia. After the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia proclaimed independence 1918 and joined the Kingdom of Romania. However, the new Soviet Russia did not recognize the Romanian rule on Bessarabia, and Bessarabia became an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Ukrainian SSR in 1924.

During World War II, Romania gained the Bessarabia with the help of Nazi German, but the Soviet Union gained it back at the end of the War and Moldova became one of the Soviet Socialist Republics. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova proclaimed independence on August 27, 1991.

The following is the list of Independence Day in Moldova from 2022 to 2026.

Independence DayAug 27, 2022Saturday
Independence DayAug 27, 2023Sunday
Independence DayAug 27, 2024Tuesday
Independence DayAug 27, 2025Wednesday
Independence DayAug 27, 2026Thursday


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下一篇 2022年9月29日
