Independence Day (El Salvador)

Independence Day is a public holiday in El Salvador, and it is observed on September 15 each year.

Independence Day commemorates the independence of entire Central America, including El Salvador, from the Spanish empire in 1821. After the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, Central America formed the Kingdom of Guatemala, which includes part of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica as an administrative division of New Spain.

When Mexico won independence in the Mexican War of Independence in 1821, Guatemala also declared independence on behalf of Central America, and the Spanish empire accepted the declaration. As part of Central America, El Salvador also gained independence from Spain.

The Federal Republic of Central America was formed following the declaration of the independence of Central America, and El Salvador became a member of the republic. The Federal Republic of Central America was dissolved in 1841, El Salvador maintained its government until 1896 when it joined Honduras and Nicaragua forming the Greater Republic of Central America. Two years later, the Greater Republic of Central America was also dissolved, and El Salvador returned to an independent country.

The following is the list of Independence Day in El Salvador from 2022 to 2026.

Independence DaySep 15, 2022Thursday
Independence DaySep 15, 2023Friday
Independence DaySep 15, 2024Sunday
Independence DaySep 15, 2025Monday
Independence DaySep 15, 2026Tuesday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
