Martyrs\’ Day (Azerbaijan)

Martyrs\’ Day is a public holiday in Azerbaijan, and it is observed on January 20 each year.

Martyrs\’ Day commemorates the victims of the tragedy on January 20, 1990, where hundreds of people were killed or injured.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a landlocked region in the South Caucasus and it is a disputed territory. In 1989, the Nagorno-Karabakh was returned to the Azerbaijani administration, but in January 1990, Armenia voted to include this area in its budget and allowed its inhabitants to vote in Armenian elections. This led to demonstrations in Azerbaijani calling for independence from the Soviet Union.

On January 12, 1990, the Popular Front, informal public organizations struggle for the independence of Azerbaijan, mobilized people for battle with the Armenians, and the riots resulted in many deaths. On January 15, several parts of Azerbaijan were declared a state of emergency, and on January 19, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet introduced a state of emergency in the city of Baku.

The Soviet troops entered Baku, attacked the protesters, and fired into the crowds. It was estimated that 147 people were killed, 800 people were injured and five people went missing.

The following is the list of Martyrs\’ Day in Azerbaijan from 2022 to 2026.

Martyrs\’ DayJan 20, 2022Thursday
Martyrs\’ DayJan 20, 2023Friday
Martyrs\’ DayJan 20, 2024Saturday
Martyrs\’ DayJan 20, 2025Monday
Martyrs\’ DayJan 20, 2026Tuesday


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