Heroes\’ Day (Zimbabwe)

Heroes\’ Day is a public holiday in Zimbabwe, and it is observed on the second Monday of August each year.

Heroes\’ Day commemorates those who died during the liberation war to achieve the independence of the country. After World War II, many African colonies gained independence from colonial powers. The Zimbabwe War of Liberation was a conflict from 1964 to 1979 in the country of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and it pitted three forces: the Rhodesian white minority-led government, Robert Mugabe\’s Zimbabwe African National Union, and Joshua Nkomo\’s Zimbabwe African People\’s Union.

After years of war, the government of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, the UK Government, and Mugabe and Nkomo\’s united Patriotic Front negotiated and signed the Lancaster House Agreement 1979. The country temporarily returned to British control in 1979 and made a new election in 1980. Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) won the election and Robert Mugabe became the first Prime Minister of Zimbabwe on April 18, 1980.

The following is the list of Heroes\’ Day in Zimbabwe from 2022 to 2026.

Heroes\’ DayAug 08, 2022Monday
Heroes\’ DayAug 14, 2023Monday
Heroes\’ DayAug 12, 2024Monday
Heroes\’ DayAug 11, 2025Monday
Heroes\’ DayAug 10, 2026Monday


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