Oued Ed-Dahab Day

Oued Ed-Dahab Day is a public holiday in Morocco, and it is observed on August 14 each year. Oued Ed-Dahab is a region of Morocco located in the southern part of the country. The holiday commemorates the day when the province of Oued Ed-Dahab swore its allegiance to King Hassan II on August 14, 1979.

Oued Ed-Dahab is situated in the disputed territory of Western Sahara, which was colonized by Spain in 1884. After King Hassan II came into power in 1961, he maintained a peaceful anti-colonial strategy towards Western Sahara and called the Green March in 1975. On November 6, 1975, approximately 350,000 unarmed Moroccans marched into Western Sahara several kilometers. As a result of the international pressure, Spain abandoned this area in 1975.

The following is the list of Oued Ed-Dahab Day in Morocco from 2022 to 2026.

Oued Ed-Dahab DayAug 14, 2022Sunday
Oued Ed-Dahab DayAug 14, 2023Monday
Oued Ed-Dahab DayAug 14, 2024Wednesday
Oued Ed-Dahab DayAug 14, 2025Thursday
Oued Ed-Dahab DayAug 14, 2026Friday


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