Archbishop Janani Luwum Memorial Day

Archbishop Janani Luwum Memorial Day is a public holiday in Uganda, and it is observed on February 16 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary when Janani Luwum was arrested and killed. Janani Luwum was born in 1922 and became the archbishop of the Church of Uganda in 1974.

Janani Luwum was a leading voice in criticizing the Idi Amin regime, which was considered one of the most brutal despots. On February 16, 1977, Janani Luwum was arrested after he delivered a note of protection to dictator Idi Amin. The next day, it was announced that he had died in a car accident. However, when the body was released to his relatives, it was riddled with bullets.

The following is the list of Archbishop Janani Luwum Memorial Day in Uganda from 2022 to 2026.

Archbishop Janani
Luwum Memorial Day
Feb 16, 2022Wednesday
Archbishop Janani
Luwum Memorial Day
Feb 16, 2023Thursday
Archbishop Janani
Luwum Memorial Day
Feb 16, 2024Friday
Archbishop Janani
Luwum Memorial Day
Feb 16, 2025Sunday
Archbishop Janani
Luwum Memorial Day
Feb 16, 2026Monday


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