Martyrs\’ Day (Myanmar)

Martyrs\’ Day, also known as Burmese Martyrs\’ Day, is a public holiday in Myanmar, and it is observed on July 19 each year. The holiday commemorates when General Aung San, seven other leaders of the pre-independence interim government, and one bodyguard were assassinated on July 19, 1947.

General Aung San founded Myanmar Armed Forces in 1940, and he is considered the Father of the Nation of modern-day Myanmar. After World War II, he negotiated Burmese independence from Britain and signed the Aung San-Atlee agreement on February 12, 1947.

In April 1947, the Anti-Fascist People\’s Freedom League (AFPFL) led by Aung San won the first general election. Three months later, on July 19, 1947, Aung San, seven other leaders, and one bodyguard were gunned down during a cabinet meeting by a group of armed people in downtown Yangon.

The following is the list of Martyrs\’ Day in Myanmar from 2022 to 2026.

Martyrs\’ DayJul 19, 2022Tuesday
Martyrs\’ DayJul 19, 2023Wednesday
Martyrs\’ DayJul 19, 2024Friday
Martyrs\’ DayJul 19, 2025Saturday
Martyrs\’ DayJul 19, 2026Sunday


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