Hungary National Day

Hungary National Day, also known as St. Stephen Day, is a public holiday in Hungary, and it is observed on August 20 each year.

Hungary National Day commemorates the first King of Hungary St. Stephen, who led the country into the Christian state. He was the first member of his family to become a devout Christian and encouraged the spread of Christianity in the country.

Stephen died on August 20, 1083. He is a popular saint in Hungary and his feast day is observed on August 20.

The following is the list of Hungary National Day from 2022 to 2026.

Hungary National DayAug 20, 2022Saturday
Hungary National DayAug 20, 2023Sunday
Hungary National DayAug 20, 2024Tuesday
Hungary National DayAug 20, 2025Wednesday
Hungary National DayAug 20, 2026Thursday


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