Mashujaa Day

Mashujaa Day, also known as Heroes\’ Day, is a public holiday in the Republic of Kenya, and it is observed on October 20 each year.

Mashujaa Day is a holiday in honor of those who contributed towards the struggle for Kenya\’s independence and positively contributed to post-independence Kenya. The holiday was previously known as Kenyatta Day, named after the first Prime Minister and then President of Kenya Jomo Kenyatta. In 2010, Kenyatta Day was changed to Mashujaa Day.

The following is the list of Mashujaa Day in Kenya from 2022 to 2026.

Mashujaa DayOct 20, 2022Thursday
Mashujaa DayOct 20, 2023Friday
Mashujaa DayOct 20, 2024Sunday
Mashujaa DayOct 20, 2025Monday
Mashujaa DayOct 20, 2026Tuesday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
