Kashmir Day (Pakistan)

Kashmir Day, also known as Kashmir Solidarity Day, is a public holiday in Pakistan, and it is observed on February 5 each year. The holiday is a holiday to show Pakistan\’s support and unity with the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, also to pay respects to the Kashmiris who have died in the conflicts.

Kashmir is the northernmost geographical region of the Indian subcontinent, and it is divided into three countries after the territorial conflict in 1947. The central and southern portions and Ladakh are controlled by India, the northwest portion is controlled by Pakistan, and the northeastern portion is controlled by China.

The following is the list of Kashmir Day in Pakistan from 2022 to 2026.

Kashmir DayFeb 05, 2022Saturday
Kashmir DayFeb 05, 2023Sunday
Kashmir DayFeb 05, 2024Monday
Kashmir DayFeb 05, 2025Wednesday
Kashmir DayFeb 05, 2026Thursday


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