Reunification Day (Vietnam)

Reunification Day, also known as Victory Day, or Liberation Day, is a public holiday in Vietnam, and it is observed on April 30 each year.

Reunification Day marks the event when North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces captured Saigon on April 30, 1975. Saigon is the previous name of Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam. The Fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War and the start of the transition period toward reunification.

On July 2, 1976, the Republic of South Vietnam and North Vietnam merged the two independent countries and formed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The following is the list of Reunification Day in Vietnam from 2022 to 2026.

Reunification DayApr 30, 2022Saturday
Reunification DayApr 30, 2023Sunday
Reunification DayApr 30, 2024Tuesday
Reunification DayApr 30, 2025Wednesday
Reunification DayApr 30, 2026Thursday


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