Constitution Day (Thailand)

Constitution Day is a public holiday in Thailand, and it is observed on December 10 each year. The holiday commemorates the country\’s first permanent constitution signed by King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) on December 10, 1932.

Before the first permanent constitution, Thailand (known as Siam at that time) remained a system of absolute monarchy, which had been centuries in the country. Due to the Great Depression in the 1930s, the kingdom faced serious political and economic problems, which led to the 1932 revolution with the aim of overthrowing the absolute monarchy.

The King and the royalists lost their power and status after signing the first permanent constitution, but King Prajadhipok\’s king position was protected.

There were a number of different versions of the constitution after the first constitution, however, people continue to celebrate the date of the first constitution as Constitution Day.

The following is the list of Constitution Day in Thailand from 2022 to 2026.

Constitution DayDec 10, 2022Saturday
Constitution DayDec 10, 2023Sunday
Constitution DayDec 10, 2024Tuesday
Constitution DayDec 10, 2025Wednesday
Constitution DayDec 10, 2026Thursday


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