National Women\’s Day

National Women\’s Day is a public holiday in South Africa, and it is observed on August 9 each year.

National Women\’s Day commemorates the 1956 march. On August 9, 1956, more than 20,000 women of all races staged a march in protest against the country\’s passed laws, which is a form of internal passport system that required nonwhites to carry. The Pass, also called the Reference Book, includes detailed personal information, such as the place of origin, employment record and tax payments, etc. It was a punishable offense if not carry their passbooks, and could result in arrest.

National Women\’s Day is important and it represents women\’s courage and strength in South Africa.

The following is the list of National Women\’s Day from 2022 to 2026.

National Women\’s DayAug 09, 2022Tuesday
National Women\’s DayAug 09, 2023Wednesday
National Women\’s DayAug 09, 2024Friday
National Women\’s DayAug 09, 2025Saturday
National Women\’s DayAug 09, 2026Sunday


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