Biju Festival

Biju Festival is a regional holiday in the state of Tripura, India, and it is observed on the last day of the Bengal calendar, which is about April 13 in the Gregorian calendar each year.

Biju Festival is a 3-day festival celebrated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The festival is to send a farewell to the old year and welcome the new year. During the festival, people will clean the house and decorate it with flowers. They also drop flowers in the rivers and springs to seek blessings for peace and healthy life.

The following is the list of the Biju Festival from 2022 to 2026.

Biju FestivalApr 14, 2022Thursday
Biju FestivalApr 14, 2023Friday
Biju FestivalApr 13, 2024Saturday
Biju FestivalApr 13, 2025Sunday
Biju FestivalApr 14, 2026Tuesday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
