Death Anniversary of Maharaja Gambhir Singh

Death Anniversary of Maharaja Gambhir Singh is a regional holiday in the state of Manipur, India, and it is observed on January 9 each year.

Maharaja Gambhir Singh was a ruler of the Manipur Kingdom from April 1821 to October 1821 and June 1825 to January 1834. He was born on March 5, 1788, and died on January 9, 1834.

The following is the list of the Death Anniversary of Maharaja Gambhir Singh from 2021 to 2025.

Death Anniversary of
Maharaja Gambhir Singh
Jan 09, 2022Sunday
Death Anniversary of
Maharaja Gambhir Singh
Jan 09, 2023Monday
Death Anniversary of
Maharaja Gambhir Singh
Jan 09, 2024Tuesday
Death Anniversary of
Maharaja Gambhir Singh
Jan 09, 2025Thursday
Death Anniversary of
Maharaja Gambhir Singh
Jan 09, 2026Friday


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