Basava Jayanthi

Basava Jayanthi is a regional holiday in the state of Karnataka, India, and it is observed on the third day of the Vaisakha month each year.

Basava Jayanthi is to celebrate the birth anniversary of Hindu Kannada poet, Basavanna, who is also a 12th-century philosopher and the founding saint of the Lingayat tradition.

The following is the list of Basava Jayanthi from 2022 to 2026.

Basava JayanthiMay 03, 2022Tuesday
Basava JayanthiApr 22, 2023Saturday
Basava JayanthiMay 10, 2024Friday
Basava JayanthiApr 30, 2025Wednesday
Basava JayanthiApr 20, 2026Monday


上一篇 2022年9月29日
下一篇 2022年9月29日
