


弗吉尼亚州(Commonwealth of Virginia)位于美国东部大西洋沿岸,是美国最初的13州之一。东临大西洋和切萨皮克湾,南接北卡罗来纳州和田纳西州,西界肯塔基州,北邻西弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州,隔波托马克河与首都华盛顿相望。面积105712平方公里,在50州内列第35位。人口7642884(2006年)。 首府为里士满。


威斯特笔下的弗吉尼亚人的特点是: 自立、冒险、乐观、正义,他不仅具有男子汉气概,而且有绅士风度,身上体现着美国人所珍视的边疆精神,在面对严苛的自然时能够把握机会实现自己的梦想。 二、 美国弗吉尼亚州的特点。弗吉尼亚州是美国古老的一个州,以“老自治领”为绰号,是8位美国总统的诞生地,号称“总统之母”。弗吉尼亚历史上处决的死刑人数超过了美国其他州。











前言: 西弗吉尼亚州,又译为西维吉尼亚州,是美国南部的一个州(有时也被分为东北部)。别称为“山脉之州”。北接马里兰州和宾夕法尼亚州,东和东南邻弗吉尼亚州,西南界肯塔基州,西与俄亥俄州隔河相望。面积62755平方公里,在50州内列第41位。人口为1850326(2014年估测),列第38位,首府查尔斯顿。州箴言是“Montani Semper Liberi”(山地人永远自由)。在美国南北战争期间,隶属南部邦联的弗吉尼亚州西部众县于1861年决定退出邦联,并于1863年6月20日被纳入联邦。西弗吉尼亚州盛产煤矿,采矿历史悠久,并曾发生过多起工会运动事件,是美国煤矿史的重要地点。喀斯特地形密布。


• Total population state population is around 1.86 million

• The only state to lie entirely with the Appalachian region

• Over three quarters of West Virginia is covered with forest

• Oldest average population of any state, with two workers for every retiree

• In 1908 Grafton, West Virginia, was the first state place in the world in which mother’s day was celebrated

• Famous West Virginians include civil rights leader and author Booker T. Washington (though he was born in Virginia), Morgan Spurlock (of Supersize Me fame) and actress Jennifer Garner

• Biggest industries are chemicals, coal mining (around one tenth of nation’s coal comes from West Virginia) and tourism

• If West Virginia was a country, it would be in the world’s top 70 in terms of GDP









As its nickname the ‘Mountain State’ may suggest, West Virginia is better known for natural grandeur than any large urban developments.West Virginia was founded during the American Civil War, when it broke away from Virginia to join the Union. Its landscape is dominated by the Appalachian Mountains, which has led it to being labelled the Mountain State.The resultant climate means that it is also known for its lush natural beauty. offering mountains, greenery, and aglut of lakes and rivers.

If you’re looking for large sprawling cosmopolitan metropolises, perhaps you might be advised to look elsewhere. The two largest cities in the state – capital Charleston and Huntington – both have populations of around 50,000.The state’s flagship public university is based in the even smaller Morgantown, which has a population of around 30,000 (though the larger metropolitan area is estimated to have a population around four times that size).However, if it is a quieter, more peaceful experience you’re after, then these small ex-industrial cities have plenty to offer. Charleston and Huntington, for example, are rich with historical architecture, and have plenty of museums and galleries to keep you entertained.Both host a number of annual festivals too, ranging from the more traditional country music variety, to the more idiosyncratic ‘Grumble Run’ – a five kilometre ‘run’ complete with breaks for snacks and grumbling!

Student dominated Morgantown is a charming riverside town, which among other accolades has been labelled one of America’s best small places for business by Forbes, and one of a ‘Dozen Distinctive Destinations” by National Trust for Historic Preservation. It temporarily becomes the biggest city in the state when the Mountaineers – the West Virginia University American football team – play.



West Virginia does not, at present, have any universities in the QS World University Rankings.The public university system, however, offers a number of viable study destinations. The leading state university is West Virginia University, based in Morgantown, towards the north of the state.The university is noteworthy for having produced a number of winners of several prestigious scholarships, including 24 Rhodes Scholars (an award to study at the University of Oxford in the UK). It is classified as a Research University (High Research Activity) by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, with faculty members pulling in US$177.7 million in funding a year.Other major universities in the state include Marshal University in Huntington, noteworthy for its forensic science graduate program, Fairmount State University, and West Virginia State University. There is a also a wide range of smaller private institutions in the state.





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