斯里兰卡1995年版50 Rupees 纸币图片

斯里兰卡 Pick 110 1995年版50 Rupees 纸币 136×68


【英文名称】:Sri Lanka

【目录编号】:Pick 110

【纸币面额】:50 Rupees





斯里兰卡 Pick 110 1995年版50 Rupees 纸币 136x68 正面图


斯里兰卡 Pick 110 1995年版50 Rupees 纸币 136x68 背面图



背面:斯里兰卡的国剑 Kastana,背景是多宝罗摩舍利塔 Thuparama Dagoba 和无畏山寺塔 Abhayagiri Stupa多宝罗摩舍利塔 Thuparama Dagoba多宝罗摩舍利塔是阿努拉达普拉的舍利塔。公元前250-210年由阿努拉达普拉王朝创始人槃陀迦阿巴耶之孙提婆南毗耶·帝沙建造。塔中供养佛陀的锁骨舍利。摩哂陀二世(公元777-797年)曾用金片镶以银条,装饰此塔。塔初建成时呈一”稻谷堆”形,几次重修,包括19世纪40年代修葺后,成为”铃”状。塔周原有雕花石柱支撑着具有僧伽罗建筑特色的圆顶,现圆顶不存,但四周石柱还遗留着。石柱被排成2-4个同心圆,外层石柱比内层的小。柱身比例细长优美。上端装饰莲花,并刻有侏儒、鹅、狮等浮雕。此塔一直受到斯里兰卡及其他上座部佛教国家的佛教徒的顶礼和珍护。无畏山寺塔 Abhayagiri Stupa斯里兰卡的国剑Kastana征询译文(斯里兰卡的国剑Kastana)Ceylonese KastanaDate: Late 19th century Description: The Kastana is the national sword of Ceylon. This one is purely decorative, for presentation and dress purposes only. These swords though are typically short and curved and usually have a hilt which resembles a dragon s head such as the one shown and were commonly worn as badges of importance. Kastanas were made at Ceylon s Royal Golden Sword Workshops or “Rankadu Pattala”.Place of Production: Ceylon (Sri-Lanka) Materials/Media: hilt of copper alloy Dimensions: hilt 197mm In the collection of: Dean Castle


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